DevelopersCompiling Clockwork

Compiling Clockwork

Install Node.js and Yarn

Node.js 20 or higher, and Yarn 4.6 is required to compile Clockwork.

Clone the repository

git clone && cd clockwork

Install dependencies

yarn install

Compile Clockwork

yarn build

You’re done! 🎉

Clockwork is now compiled and ready to use. There will be 3 executables generated in the project root:

  • clockwork-win
  • clockwork-macos
  • clockwork-linux

What happens when you run yarn build?

  1. Compiles all the Typescript files in ./scripts to Javascript files in ./build/scripts
  2. Bundles all the compiled javascript files and dependencies into index.js
  3. Injects the current version found in ./package.json into ./build/index.js
  4. Packages Node.js and ./build/index.js into an executable for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows

This makes it work on devices even without Node.js installed!

Testing the auto updater

If you need to test the auto updater, temporarily set the version in package.json to something lower and recompile the executables, the version set in package.json will automatically be injected into the compiled javascript.